2014 Pantone Colors

by | Jan 23, 2014 | Color | 0 comments

It’s that time of year again…The new 2014 Pantone Colors are making their debut and the new “Color of the Year” is….drum roll please… Radiant Orchid! ~  but don’t let the color craze make you crazy!

According to PANTONE:

Since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute™ has been designating a Color of the Year to express in color what is taking place in the global zeitgeist. A color that will resonate around the world, the PANTONE Color of the Year is a reflection of what people are looking for… Not necessarily the hot fashion color of the moment, but a color crossing all areas of design which is an expression of a mood, an attitude, on the part of the consumers.”

The captivating, magical and enchanting Radiant Orchid. An invitation to innovation, modern and versatile Radiant Orchid encourages creativity and originality. Imbued with a harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones, Radiant Orchid inspires confidence and its rosy undertones emanate great joy, love and health.

Radiant Orchid will not be the popular fashion color of the season, because few women can wear it successfully. In a recent shopping trip I found it in flowers and fashion accents, but not in many clothes. Max Mara was brave enough to make a collection, but it was mostly grey (a unique greyed-out version based on Radiant Orchid).
Max Mara- Radiant OrchidRO Ochid jacket Maxmara






The idea is to pair this bright, in-your-face red-violet with the calm, in-the-background-grays, or mushrooms.RO Pale orchid

Yes this color is not for everyone, but that rare woman with silver or black hair and cool undertones in her skin will be in heaven with this oh-so-rare find.

Most blondes, redheads, and mousy browns, should stay away from this color as it can easily overwhelm them. And, it will probably make their hair and skin look tired.  I suggest they take a look at Pantone’s other colors like  Cayenne and Celosia Orange.  These are “play-well-with-others” colors. And will be popular and more practical for many women.

Pantone Cayenne

Pantone Cayenne

Pantone Celosia Orange

Pantone Celosia Orange