I have been reading The Joy of Living by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche,
and I am fascinated with his explanation of how we perceive what is real and what is not real.
We are constantly attempting to make sense of the world; to fulfill our basic concern of being happy and avoiding suffering.
Our brain “ultimately provides the pattern by which we’re able to recognize, name, and predict the behavior, or “rules” associated with an object we perceive. It does, in a very profound sense, shape the world for us. In other words, we’re not seeing the absolute reality of the object but rather its relative appearance, a mentally constructed image.”
“Nothing in your experience; your thoughts, feelings or sensations – is as fixed and unchangeable as it appears. Your perceptions are only crude approximations of the true nature of things.” (Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche The Joy of Living..)
My take away is: change your mind and change your world.
What I find in my work with women (and men) is that we all have a mentally constructed image of ourselves that may not be accurate.
For some, their self-image is really stuck in the past. They have fallen into a habit of only seeing the negative and constantly inflicting themselves with unpleasant perceptions.
Change your Avatar
Attitude is everything.
Be and update who you are in the world.
Sometimes you need support to make meaningful changes. When I work with groups of women who are on the same journey to see themselves in a more positive way – it can become transformative and it’s always fun.
Please join me for the A,B,C,D, & E of Style classes starting with “Attitude and Appreciation – learn to see yourself in a fresh positive way You don’t have to go it alone. Let’s get started today!