Travel Light – Results Driven Packing

by | Jun 2, 2015 | Travel Tips | 0 comments

He who would travel happily must travel light.”
– Antoine de St. Exupery

Travel Light–Results Driven Packing

Travel Light - travel tipsCreate a wardrobe for what really matters to you, pack it into a bag and Travel Light. For the travelers who believe traveling is about the experiences–this  is for you!

Clothes can be a burden or a blessing when traveling. They have the ability to make you fit in with the environment and culture where you travel or have you stick out like a sore thumb.

Even before you open your mouth, your clothes have already introduced you. And if you want to fit in with the local culture, I believe it is wise to look up the dress code for your gender.

But beyond that, to travel comfortably and not be burdened with extra suitcase weight, it is good to have a system in place. Here are some tips:

Tip #1

Travel Light - Tips for TravelWear clothing in colors that coordinate with your natural skin color and texture. These will be your go-to items and you will always look good wearing them.

  • The “right” colors will brighten your skin tone; even out the complexion, smooth the skin texture and make you appear rested and younger.
  • The “wrong colors” will dull the skin tone and drain your coloring making you appear less attractive.
  • The right textures repeat the texture of your skin and hair. If you are all smooth, your clothing can be the same. But if you are freckled, have a few wrinkles, have curly hair, etc. include texture and patterns in your clothing and you will look younger, healthier and more capable.

Traveling light requires that all your clothing pieces play well together. Each piece needs to have some relationship to all the other pieces. Their similar qualities help you mix and match them and make endless combinations using just a few pieces. A few carefully coordinated outfits in colors and textures  that work for you will help you stand out in the best possible way and fit in wherever you go!

Tip #2

Style Words:

Style words are like the ingredients in a recipe.

You decided on the destination of your trip, you decided on the accommodations, you decided on the activities; now decide on your presentation. Pick some words that describe your best qualities (ex. animated, sunny, and vibrant ) and let them guide your clothing selection. Your suitcase will be packed with clothing items that support your goals.

Throw in a pair of fun and a pair of sensible shoes and you are good to go!