Clothing Swap ~ All body types

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Attitude, Closet Organizing, Hair Color | 0 comments

What is a Clothing Swap?

It’s a “No Regrets” way to get rid of those clothes that you no longer need and things that are no longer your size, it is a way to find them a new homes. Take them to a swap and let them go. Cast off what you don’t need or want and be open to receiving someone else’s cast-offs. They may just be perfect for you. That is what a swap is all about.

We buy clothes because we love them or at least want them to work on us. When they don’t work for us, it is best to cut our losses and let go. The best swaps are where several women have had that epiphany. They have cleared out lots of the clothes that are just taking up space in their closet, getting rid of what does not make them feel beautiful and keeping what does. We put those clothes on racks, sort them by size and color. Then we start. Trying on everything that fits your profile. Take home everything that looks good on you, and let go of what doesn’t!

ColorInsight 2018 swap schedule:

Fourth Sunday in January 

First Sunday in May

First Sunday in October