Thoughts on Hair Color

Thoughts on Hair Color

Your hair is a key element in your nonverbal message about yourself. It is worth making the time and investment to get the color and style just right for you. Over 75% of women color their hair and selecting the right color can be challenging even when you have a...
5 Things You Should Know About Color

5 Things You Should Know About Color

How Do We See Color? If there is no light, there is no color! So it all comes down to light. Sir Isaac Newton used a prism and discovered that white light is made of a whole range (spectrum) of colors, like those rainbow colors we see on special rainy days. When white...

Shades of Green

The spring rains and warm weather produce a green like no other. The gift of spring came to me this year in a back yard filled with Miner’s Lettuce…just everywhere. This vivid and luxuriant carpet of tender greens communicates that green is the color of...

Can I wear Black and White?

With Stores like White House/Black Market, and Chico’s (Black Label line), creating whole lines of black and white clothes, many women are asking if they can wear black and white. Is this the best look for them? Chico’s “Black Label” line has an ad campaign with great...