Fashion Fun Under The Sun!

These fashion details are guaranteed to bring fun to your wardrobe (and activities!) this season. Bye-bye black Replace your LBD (Little Black Dress) with an LCD (Little Colorful Dress). Lighten up your colors for the warmer weather! The sun is already brighter and...

Need a Fit Solution? There’s a Fashion Fix For That!

Doesn’t it seem that everywhere you turn, you bring up a subject and someone says, “There’s an app for that.” Trying to find the closest Thai restaurant in a new town? There’s an application you can get for your phone that will show you right where it is and even give...

Wait For The Sale!

New fashions look irresistible at the beginning of a season and many of them want to come home and live with you. But that can create a dilemma when working out your clothing budget. A trendy item yields a shorter lifespan than something more classic. But every...