Closet Cleaning Strategies:
No Regrets ~ Part 1

by | Oct 12, 2012 | Closet Organizing | 0 comments

Fall is here signaling time for change!

It is time to clean your closet and to re-assess all the clothes you love and that look good on you.

What needs to go? All the clothes that are just taking up space and do not look good on you:

  • Clothes that you put on and then take off ~they never make it out of your house because you are not comfortable with them. Clothes that don’t fit properly or, there is something wrong or missing.

Now is the time to get clear:

  • Are the misfits truly wrong for you or is something missing & all you need is something to go with them?

Get in the right frame of mind. Give yourself permission to just toss the ones you hate into piles to donate or consign. If you donate to your favorite local charity the cast offs will allow them to raise money to do their mission; your donations will do good work, with no guilt & no regrets…how cool is that?

“No Regrets”  Closet Cleaning Strategy….

  1.  Approach your closet when rested and in a good mood.
  2. Wear make up and your best underwear.
  3.  Have a full-length mirror in a room with good light.
  4.  Remove all clothes and place on a rolling clothing rack (you can rent one).
  5.  Try on each outfit and rate them in the following manner:
  • I love it and it fits…. Keep it
  • I love it and I am willing to put more money in to alter it…Keep it and alter it.
  • I love it and it does not fit or is very tired…Keep it and get it copied at a good tailor shop…If you are not willing to copy it, toss it.
  • I love it and it is never coming back in style…Archive it in your own personal collection in another storage area, extra closet or trunk. Never store them in your working closet.
  • I don’t like it… as mentioned earlier donate it to charity, consign it, or toss it. Just get it out of your closet. Maybe give it back to the person who gave it to you…(Just guessing) or take them to a swap…. Just be careful on what you bring back home.

6.     Now play dress-up with the clothes and outfits you love. Try recombining them in different ways and see what is missing…. Ask yourself “if I just had this…(fill in the blank) could I make more combinations?” If so, put it on your shopping list.

6) If you get stuck anywhere in this process ask for help. It can be overwhelming and it is so hard to see oneself. Get another pair of eyes you trust, a girlfriend that has good taste and looks like you or a color and wardrobe consultant who can step you through the sections that stop you.

You don’t want to struggle and second-guess yourself; it
just takes too much time and energy.

And if you work with someone you trust, then no regrets. You will keep the treasures and toss the trash.