ColorPROFILE™ Personal Color Analysis 5-Day Intensive Workshop

Learn personal color analysis using the ColorPROFILE™ color system and the Caygill “24 Seasonal Subtypes” philosophy.


This small-group, hands-on course equips you with the skills you need to master Personal Color Analysis. It supplies you with a ColorPROFILE™ color system so you can deliver personalized palettes, plus provides the knowledge to assign a Suzanne Caygill “Seasonal Subtype” to dress your client.

colorPROFILE class with Mary Lou Manlove

When it is time to take your personal color analysis business to the next level, you need an advanced color system. A system with color logic and an organized system to guide your color selection process and beautiful fabric paddles to deliver your hand selected palette to your client.

What our students say about the ColorProfile System…

“The ColorPROFILE System by Mary Lou for personal color analysis is absolutely brilliant. The system is so methodical and organized. Since it is based on the color wheel formed by the three subtractive primary colors (cyan, magenta, and yellow), the system is logical and so easy to use. Finding the complement to a specific color based on Mary Lou’s numerical ordering is a breeze. I never have to guess or take forever to track down the perfect color to give to a client. Building a unique custom palette for clients is so fast and simple and stress-free. It truly is a joy to work with clients using the ColorProfile System. I have so much fun making palettes for my clients and Mary Lou’s system makes it a seamless process. I love the color fans I am able to create with Mary Lou’s system and my clients love them as well. Thanks Mary Lou!”

– Dania Gritzmacher, ColorPROFILE Student 2024

Mastering the Color Assessment Tool™ (CAT)

Starting with the Color Assessment Tool, you’ll learn how to confidently identify the essential inherent personal colors of your clients. First, we’ll show you how to identify the hair, skin, and eye color of your client — as well as their best white, red, and metal colors. Second, we’ll determine the client’s Color QualityPure, Tinted, Shaded, and Toned. By completing these two steps above, you have just identified the foundation for a personal fan representing the client’s inherent personal colors and color quality.

That’s just the beginning of the workshop! Before you start using the ColorPROFILE system to make a custom color palette for your client, you’ll also learn firsthand about Suzanne Caygill’s “24 Seasonal Subtypes” which will take your mastery of color analysis even further.

student doing palette in color training
Mary Lou and students in 5 day class

Learning Suzanne Caygill’s “24 Seasonal Subtypes”

As we explore the seasonal subtypes, you’ll examine the unique characteristics of each Classic Season (Spring, Summer, Autumn & Winter) and all 24 subtypes, including where their pigments fall on the color compass; their visual weight; and their body cues, movement, and thought processes.

We’ll focus on learning about one season per day. Your intensive color training will consist of an in-depth lecture, demonstration, a Q&A session, and practice on creating palettes. And best of all, you’ll get the hands-on experience of creating beautiful palettes for your test models!

Your Workshop Takeaways

At the end of this intensive workshop, you’ll come away with the knowledge and know-how to start making beautiful, individualized color palettes for your clients.

SPECIAL BONUS!  To help you with your color analysis, we’re including a Personal Color Lookbook (PDF)! This 123-page guide contains plenty of examples of models for each subtype; an example of a fan for each subtype; and an attachment for color nomenclature.

Want more?  We also offer continuing education to perfect your palette skills. Contact Mary Lou for details.

Color Coursework

The ColorPROFILE™ 5-Day Personal Color Analysis Intensive workshop features:

  •  The Essential ColorPROFILE™ color system includes:
    – The Color Assessment Tool which provides 225 paddles with 5 fabric swatches on each paddle.
    – Plus an additional 225 paddles to fine-tune your color recommendations—That’s a total of 450 paddles!
  • The Caygill “24 Seasonal Subtypes” philosophy
  • Guided personal color analysis practice sessions with live models
  • 2 Homework Review sessions
  • Your Bonus — The Personal Color Lookbook (PDF)

Our philosophy is to educate, demonstrate, and then help you create palettes under supervision. You will have homework to master these skills—and enjoy the confidence of knowing that you’ve enhanced your expertise!

Let’s Get Started. Sign up for a free consultation to see if this color training is right for you.

Your Instructors

Mary Lou Manlove

Darren Chappell

Color Training - Let's Get Started!

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Mary Lou Manlove received her color and image training from first-generation industry authorities, Carla Mathis and Sharon Chrisman. She became a certified Color Designers International professional 2001 and has since been recognized as an industry leader in her own right. For a personal consultation with Mary Lou, call ColorINSIGHT at (650) 400-2230 or email or

MaryLou Manlove image and color consultant and trainer