Need a Fit Solution? There’s a Fashion Fix For That!

by | Apr 5, 2011 | Shopping Tips | 0 comments

Little colorful Dress _ blueDoesn’t it seem that everywhere you turn, you bring up a subject and someone says, “There’s an app for that.” Trying to find the closest Thai restaurant in a new town? There’s an application you can get for your phone that will show you right where it is and even give you directions. Need help counting calories? There’s an app for that too!

I checked recently and there wasn’t an app yet for how to use spring’s fashion hits to camouflage any figure challenges you might be experiencing. Let me show you some ideas.

Fit problem: “I don’t like showing my arms so warm weather becomes a drag.”

Solution: Peasant tops are back in fashion and ready to cover your arms with lightweight fabric that will feel cool even with coverage. Look light and breezy and better yet, feel light, breezy and fashionable. If you do want to go for a sleeveless top or dress, a lightweight shawl is a perfect way to grace the arms in style.

Fit problem: “I’m pudgy around the tummy and summer tee shirts don’t do anything for me!”

Solution: Forget the tee shirt. Buy a real shirt, one with a good neckline for you! The problem with tee shirt they are made for men, straight lines with no curves. Women have curves and the trick is to dress curves with curves. The perfect shirt will have a curved hem to complement the curve in your tummy.

Would you like some more ideas for camouflaging any flaws you think you have? I’m here to help!
Send me an email and I’ll show you how to make friends with spring/summer fashion.

What are your perennial fashion challenges and how do you work around them?

Fashions Fade, but then return

Not only will the temperatures be in the 70’s

but so will this season’s look in a 70’s ode

to Yves St. Laurent who famously said

“Fashions fade, but style is eternal”