Orphans in Your Closet

by | Aug 1, 2014 | Working Wardrobe | 0 comments

Do you have a great dress, or dynamite top that you love, but never wear because nothing goes with it? Or, a piece of clothing that individually is wonderful, but for whatever reason does not belong.? If so, these are orphans in your closet. orphans- If an orphan is sooooooo wonderful on you and you are willing to make the investment, then you need to create a unit of clothing that includes it. Go for it! Purchase the missing pieces and integrate them into your Working Wardrobe. It may be the start of a new look for you. But if you just bought an item on a whim because it was on sale, your friend talked you into it, or you briefly wanted to be someone else, you should seriously consider letting it go.

What to do with orphans in your closet: Get Rid of It!

An orphan must go if it:

  • Does not look like you.
  • Is not the right color for you.
    (Why wear something that makes your skin look sick?)
  • Does not match your lifestyle.
    (A proper, tailored business blouse does not belong in the closet of someone who now has a casual and relaxed lifestyle.)
  • You don’t love it.
    (Especially if someone else talked you into it. If it was a gift, then you may want to create and distribute a wish list to help others select gifts you will enjoy. In the meantime, quietly re-gift it
  • If it is too expensive looking for your core wardrobe.
    (If you went far out of your reach and bought an expensive designer blouse, yet everything else in your closet is jeans and tee shirts, then it doesn’t fit your style. If you do not have the shoes, jacket, and jewelry to make it work, then it won’t. It would cost you more than the price of the item itself to be able to integrate it. Let it go. Hang it on the wall as a piece of art or an inspiration, but do not put it back your closet.)

Orphans - a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.

A word of caution:

If you have a closet of orphans, then you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear. Take the orphans out and get someone else to adopt them. Your orphans may become a cherished treasure for someone else. You can always turn a buying mistake into a gift, “I bought this for you.” Make someone else happy and be more discerning in your future purchases. If you have a plan stick to it, and if you don’t have a plan, you need to create one for a “Working Wardrobe.” If you don’t know where to begin, I’m here to help. You don’t have to go it alone!