Style and Design part 2

by | May 10, 2013 | Attitude, Classes & Workshops | 0 comments

Finding your style.Each and every one of us has an innate sense of style, what we LOVE, and what makes us happy. Some of us fly through life and this sense is supported. Others have hit an obstacle or two and have been set back in our sense of style…. We may no longer believe that we know what still looks good on us. We may have been following others too long. Or we may have become slaves to fashion.

Fashion is about selling clothes, and each season they dramatically change styles so that we no longer feel good, or that we really need to get with it and buy the latest and greatest.

Well the truth is we have an inherent coloring and sense of style and once we find it we need to stick with it. It’s what makes us truly unique and expresses our inherent beauty.

Then we can make it through season after season and just add to our great collection of clothes (our wardrobe) these things that resonate with us. Instead of starting over and rebuilding on the Fashion  World’s  sense of style.

57277616_8So take a class to discover your best looks and be with others who are finding their style. I often find that I am not the only one feeling lost or left out of the fashion trends. Time after time,  I find that my innate wisdom is spot on. I do know what I am doing, I have good intuition, I just need to make a few changes and get back on track.

What women learn from a group class on the A,B,C,D, & E of STYLE, can be quite dramatic. The best thing is they realize that when it comes to their inherent style, in most instances they were right more times than they thought. They learn what looks good on them and most importantly why it does. They learn how to mix color, design and style to bring out their best and hide the rest. And they learn how to appreciate themselves in a whole new way. The A,B,C,D & E of Style is all about re-connecting you with your essential beauty and making the most of what you have. I love it when my students tell me they feel as good as they look!

Come to the class…….. Saturdays at 1pm at the ColorInsight Studio in Redwood City. If that is not a good time, let me know when is the best time for you and we will try to put a group together.