What is Your Color Story?

by | Apr 18, 2013 | Color | 0 comments


Color consulting:  Have your colors done!

  • Your personal custom color fan will have all your best colors, plus a detailed guide on how to use them. Know the colors that support your coloring, your personality and your goals.
  • Never guess at colors again!

What is your color story?

Closet Makeover and Wardrobe StylePeople respond to color. Color influences them emotionally. Most of us have certain colors that we love and others that we do not care for at all. Color is part of our visual communication system.

The manner in which you present yourself visually, also communicates a story about you.

What are your colors saying about you?

121103762_8If the colors you wear coordinate or harmonize with you, you are perceived as knowing yourself well. If you are consistent wearing your “good” colors, people will perceive you as “looking good”, being attractive and even trust you more readily. If you colors don’t harmonize with you and actually fight with your coloring, you are perceived as odd, unexpected, confrontational and even unattractive. So it makes sense that when you wear colors, Do so with intention, not by accident.

You can wear any hue (color)
in the rainbow.

Style WorkshopYou look great when you wear your version of that hue (color). For example, your Red may not be “stop sign” red, it may be berryBerry is a softer and more luscious version of red. Your yellow may be just a drop of warmth in your white, with not much yellow at all. Your rainbow of colors (hues) might be described as the colors you can eat: boysenberry, eggplant, cranberry, peach pink, soft white, guava green, or sage. Or your colors may be “Crisp and Clear”, “Cool and Relaxed”, “Warm and Mellow” or “Rich and Contrasted” (as described in “Color Your Style” by David Zyla.) All of these adjectives describe a quality of color.  And each and every one of us has an ideal “quality of color” . That is what should be identified for you when you get your colors done.

It is to your benefit to find your specific rainbow of colors (hues).  Make sure they are all in your “words” or color quality, and all lit by the same source of light. People often invest in “getting their colors done” so they can have a guide (such as a shopping fan), to keep them on track as they are learning what are their “good” colors and what colors are challenging. Once past this initial stage and you know your colors, you can learn how to use them in combination.

First you learn the rules. Then you  can break the them.  Break them on purpose, with intention, not by accident, and create a very unique and “permanent style.” A style all your own…your look.

And yes I do colors…. Read “Color Your Style” by David Zyla and instead of pilfering paint chips from you local paint store ( as he suggests), let me help you find your true colors and get a beautiful fabric swatch palette built on a sturdy shopping fan. Fabric is so much more accurate than paint chips for shopping.

Personal Color Fans from ColorInsight